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ceremony - earth medicine - songs & sound - illustration & art

Our true nature is medicine

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Thank you for landing on my website!


After being a student and teacher of Yoga for almost a decade, the road I was walking on gradually changed into a path soft with pine needles and fringed with healing herbs and magical fungi.


Through the years my offerings have organically shifted into shaping rituals and ceremony, heartfelt space holding, medicine making.

And sharing songs and sounds. 


I live close to the forest, dunes and sea. I am a mother of two and I am a maker and mender. My hands often busy with herbs and mushrooms, cloth and wood, paint and pencil, books and instruments. 


I am passionate about re-weaving our connection to the land. Nature itself and specifically the earth and plant medicines are my teachers. Helping me to remember what it means to be fully human and embody my place in the web of life. And I love to create. All the time.


I am interested in pagan traditions, animism, herbal medicine, the cycles of nature and the wisdom of the menstrual cycle.


What matters to me in what I offer here is connecting in truth.

To be of service in my own authentic way. For all I have to offer,

I know you have gifts, wisdom, talents to offer yourself

that are welcome and needed!


Let’s find out how we can be here for each other!


“I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”

- John Muir


What I offer

Circles and Ceremony

Experience the power of coming together in a sacred circle or ceremony. A safe and loving space to share, grow and connect. For rites of passage and healing. Also 1 on 1.


Each circle or ceremony is a unique journey tailored to what is needed in the moment, depending on your intention.


On request I also guide Psilocybin ceremonies

to facilitate deep inner work.

Microdosing chocolates

Under the name of  THE RITUAL SPOON

I make micro-dosing chocolates with homegrown Psilocybin. For a nudge of magic in your day to day life. Helping you to be more connected to your inner world, your loved ones, and the beauty around you. Supporting a sense of belonging,

creativity and flow.


Next to the micro-dose chocolates, I also make 

mini dose bonbons, ceremonial bars and teas. And I love to co-create medicine for your specific needs.


Sound Bath

Let your body and being rest, reset and restore by bathing in the beautiful sound of singing bowls and other meditative instruments. Sound is a wonderful way to help the body to relax and bring balance through the vibration of soundwaves.




"The Wise Woman, the weed wife, the curandera- whatever you want to call her,
she is my inspiration. I recognise in her the need which each of us has to find strength from within ourselves; the need which each of us has to delve inside to uncover and develop the sources of our own belonging. To come to belong to this wide, wild earth."

                                                                      ~ Sharon Blackie


Get in touch


The Netherlands

Tel: 0031-6-11302986


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